The Kitchen

Mom’s Famous Breakfast Sandwich
My mom makes THE best breakfast sandwich (#mymomisthebestcook)!! Every Sunday after church we would stop at the "panaderia" (bakery) and get some freshly made Pan de Agua (Water bread). It similar to Cuban, French, or Italian bread, has the same ingredients but different ways to bake it. Then we would go home and she would [...]

Fried Chicken in the Air Fryer
Fried Chicken is the Best! No question about it! When I was growing up and learning to cook, fried chicken was one of the easiest and most delicious things I learned to make. We didn't use flour to fry it, just season it and dump it on the hot oil. The skin came out crispy [...]

Candied Papaya (Dulce de Lechosa)
Living in Florida, papayas are very available. Sometimes I have several papayas ready to harvest. That is a great opportunity to make candied papaya or how we call it in Puerto Rico, dulce de lechosa. I love making it and love eating it even more! Some pieces of dulce de lechosa with a piece of [...]

Bat Wings – Halloweentastic!!
I wanted to make a Halloween episode. I wanted to make it last year, but ran out of time and it didn't happened. So this year, we planned ahead. When it was time to figure out a recipe to make, I went thru a bunch of different ideas. Making meats bloody, side dishes gross, goulish [...]

Braised Turkey Wings
One of my most favorite things to eat is turkey wings. They have so much flavor and contrary to the turkey leg, do not have all those ligaments that make the leg such a chore to eat. I mean, don't misunderstand me, I will still eat a turkey leg! But turkey wings are so much [...]

Jade Noodles (Happy Bowl)
Welcome to 2019! A little bit late, but better late than never! This year I have decided to learn things I have not done much before. I am practicing baking more than before. And vegetarian cooking is one of those things I have always been curious about. I can make a few vegetarian dishes, [...]
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Recent Comments
- BBQ Ribs in the Instant Pot – SpiceGnome on Easy Asian BBQ Sauce
- Buzzed Zombie Brain – SpiceGnome on Bat Wings – Halloweentastic!!
- Norma on Annato (Achiote)